Friday 27 December 2013


You Wonder, Why? Past christmas, and a number of technology users get frozen out of being able to access systems, either through inadequate servers, systemic overloads, or just straight poor design of load features. nintendo freezes all countries apart from Japan and US. Some "stores" can't open because of design flaws. See if we can spot the problem here. Some decision-making person, or cabal of people, have decided that even if you have legitimately paid your money to buy some Product/service which ultimately depends upon access to modern download, or WiFi technology, then you are arbitrarily chosen as the person not to receive that service. Let's try this in another format. I go to the market, give you my money to buy the potato, and you refuse to give me the potato. Do i get my money back. NO! That is apparently how it works these days. Some people pocket the money but immediately become unaccountable for the outcome, or delivery of anything. What a farce modern economic systems have become if this is tolerated as acceptable commercial practice. There is no sense of equality, or honesty for that matter any more. And if the behaviour is tolerated, then it will take on a more egregious form next time. That is how systems work...they tend to find the extremum of every behaviour type, until they are drawn back into line. Time for technology to be re-imagined as a public infrastructure asset, and removed from the whims, and peccadiloes of lesser, unaccountable decision makers. Time for the fraudsters of this world to be called out for what they are, and immediately give the money back, or go to gaol, or get frozen out of some markets. Time for honesty, and fairness, to be re-invented, and repositioned as IMPORTANT. AND TIME FOR OUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES TO RECOGNISE THAT THE POPULATION DOES NOT HAVE TO TOLERATE EGREGIOUS PRIVATE SECTOR MISBEHAVIOUR SUCH AS THIS. We need a revolution in thought, about how systems are supposed to work. We cannot tolerate some who get obscenely rich, but not accountable for the delivery of anything. Some assets deserve non arbitrary decision making, and the public deserves nothing less than fairness. A new mechanism is needed if these bare minimums cannot be delivered.

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